Established by act on January 31st, 1985 as per notary deed drawn up by notary Dr. Rosa Voiello

Most recent amendment on November  20th, 2020

Chapter I – Name, nature and purposes

Article 1 – Name, nature and registered office

The “Fondo Agenti marittimi e aerei“ – Shipping and Aircraft Agents Fund, hereinafter referred to as “Fund” or FAMA, established by act granted by notarial deed of notary Dr. Rosa Voiello on January 31st , 1985, rep. No. 26411, is a non-profit organization, undertaking public interest activities.

The fund is based in Genoa.

It may open secondary or representative branches, by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Article 2 – Purposes of the Fund

The Fund manages the mandatory contribution of shipping agents, pursuant to art. 16 of law No.135 of April 4th 1977 concerning the “regulations governing the profession of shipping agent”, as replaced by Art. 1, paragraph 62, of law No. 549 of December 29th 1995.

The Fund also aims at arranging and implementing, with non-profit purposes, other forms of social security, as well as forms of assistance, also related to healthcare, in favour of the Members and their companies, as well as their families.

Article 3 – Duration

The Fund, as an organization undertaking public interest activities, has unlimited duration and its dissolution may not occur by the will of its bodies.

Article 4 – Financial year

Fund’s financial years correspond to the calendar year.


Chapter II – Membership and contributions

Article 5  –  Members

Those subjects referred to in art. 16 of law No.135 of April 4th 1977 are compulsory members of the Fund.

And thereafter and in particular:

a) owners of individual companies providing shipping agency activity, as defined by the same law No.135 of April 4th 1977, especially by art. 2 of the aforesaid law.

b) legal representatives and Directors of companies providing the activity of shipping agency, as referred to above;

c) representatives of individual companies or companies referred to above, provided that they are not benefiting from other forms of mandatory social protections.

Furthermore, on a voluntary basis and therefore upon request, the following may also be part of the Fund:

d) the owners of individual companies, the legal representatives and the directors of companies providing the activity of handling aircrafts;

e) the owners of individual companies, the legal representatives and the directors of companies providing the activity of maritime mediation;

f) representatives of companies referred to above, provided that they do not benefit from other forms of mandatory social securities.

The Members’ domicile, with respect to the relationships with the Fund, is the one notified at the time of registration, that is to say the one indicated by the member by specific written notice

Article 6 – Compulsory contributions and other contributions in favour of the Fund

Members must pay the following contributions to the Fund:

1) Mandatory contributions envisaged and established, pursuant to art. 16 of law No. 135 of April 4th 1977 as replaced by art. 1, paragraph 62, of law No. 549 of December 29th 1995, with the pertinent and specific Ministerial Decree and calculated on agency fees and emoluments of legal representatives and directors and therefore:

    a) compulsory contribution on agency fees;

    b) compulsory contribution proportional to the emoluments of legal representatives and directors, as well as representatives of companies providing the activity of shipping agency;

    c) further, compulsory contribution to cover shipping agent’s civil liability, as well as other purposes relating and functional to the Fund’s management;

2) further or other compulsory contributions that may be considered afterwards and laid down by legal provisions and regulations;

3) admission fee;

4) annual fee

The admission fee and the annual fee are set out by the Board of Directors.

The admission fee must be paid both upon first registration to the Fund and at the time of any new and renewal of registration, following cancellation due to accrual and award of benefits to the member or for any other reason whatsoever.

The annual fee:

a) shall be paid by any of the members by January 31st every year

b) shall not be paid by any member who ceased to be the sole owner or legal representative and director of a company or companies providing the activity of shipping agency in the preceding calendar year, and provided that such member duly documents and notifies the Fund thereof via registered letter with receipt of acknowledgement or certified electronic mail;

c) shall be payable once again by the member, starting the year after regaining the a.m. position and rights. The member shall duly document and notify the Fund promptly thereof, via registered letter with receipt of acknowledgement or certified electronic mail.

Mandatory fees as per paragraph 1) above, letters a) and c), are set out, pursuant to art.16 of Law No. 135  of April 4th 1977 as replaced by art.1, paragraph 62, of law No. 549 of December 29th 1995, with its pertinent and specific Ministerial Decree, and therefore with the Ministerial Decree of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of February 15th 2012 and subsequent legislative actions, and must be paid by the companies and by the businesses, in favour of the subjects as per article 5, by the 15th (fifteenth) day of the month following the quarter the fees refer to.

Mandatory contributions as per paragraph 1) above, letter b), are also set out by the aforesaid Ministerial Decree and must be paid by the companies and businesses in favour of subjects as per the a.m. letter b).

Pertinent contributions must be paid to the Fund on a semi-annual basis, on July 31st and January 31st of each year.

Companies or businesses shall notify the Fund about the share of compulsory contributions amongst beneficiaries, on their own responsibility and in line with payments made.

Any change of personal situations relevant to the acquisition or loss of membership, that may take place during the year, will be effective from January 1st of the following year, as regards debit/credit relationships between the members and the Fund.

Article 7 – Benefits

Social security benefits and care services of the Fund, also indirect ones, are set out and governed in one or more regulations, approved by the Assembly.


Chapter III – Earnings and Assets of the Fund

Article 8 – Earnings

The revenues of the Fund consist in:

a) ordinary earnings arising from compulsory fees and other contributions as per article 6 above;

b) eventual extraordinary contributions freely paid by members or supporters

c) interest income and asset revenues;

d) other earnings envisaged by legal provisions or other sources of law;

e) legacies, donations or benefits, whatever their origin;

f) sanctions, interests and any other incidental charges due to late, omission or irregular compliance with requirements.

Article 9 – Assets

The assets of the Fund consist in movable and immovable properties, however bought and owned by the association.


Chapter IV – Bodies and organizational structure of the Fund

Article 10 – Bodies of the Fund

The bodies of the Fund are:

a) the Assembly;

b) the Board of Directors;

c) the President;

d) the Board of Auditors.


Chapter I – Assembly of the Fund

Article 11 – Assembly Call

The ordinary Assembly is called at least once a year by the President by June 30th of every year, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Board.

Furthermore, the President always calls the Assembly every time the simple majority of the Board of Directors deems it convenient.

Finally, it is also called by the President, in ordinary or extraordinary form, whenever at least one fifth of the members entitled to vote expressly requires doing so.

It is usually called in a place in which the Fund has its registered office or elsewhere, provided that it is in Italy.

Article 12 – Powers of the Assembly

The Assembly of members shall:

a) approve the balance sheet, on the Board’s proposal;

b) approve the budget of the current financial year;

c) decide on the use of the asset of the organization;

d) appoint the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors;

e) decide on general issues concerning the trend and the functioning of the Fund;

f) discuss and decide on all the issues the Board of Directors will decide to bring to its attention;

g) approve the Regulations governing, notwithstanding what provided by law on mandatory contributions, the forms and ways of contributions due to the Fund, applicable sanctions in case of non-compliance and the benefits granted by the Fund.

Assembly resolutions are binding for everyone, including those absent and dissenting, since there is no withdrawal right.

Article 13 – Terms and conditions of Assembly call

Assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, will be called by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by fax or email, at least 20 (twenty) days before the date of the meeting.

The notice of meeting shall contain indication of the day, time, and venue of the meeting, as well as the items on the Agenda, fully detailed.

The notice shall be sent to:

a) all the members who have been registered to the Fund for at least 3 (three) months, provided that they are not in default of paying mandatory contributions or any other contribution due to the Fund;

b) the members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Board of Auditors.

In case of special urgency, the notice can be sent by telegram, fax or e-mail at least 10 (ten) days before the date of the meeting.

Any mishandling of personal notices to the members cannot impair the validity of the Assembly.

Article 14 – Assembly Validity and proceedings

Assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, are valid whatever the issue to be addressed:

a) in first call, whenever as many members representing the majority of those entitled to vote are present, personally or by power of attorney;

b) in second call, whatever the number of present members or representatives.

In case the Assembly is formed by all members, it shall be valid even without convocation, provided that the majority of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors is present.

Resolutions are taken by an absolute majority of votes of the members present or represented.

Assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, may be called upon by request of the Board of Directors and held – prior notice thereof – via video/audio conferencing, or via any other communication data transmission.

Article 15 – Vote and Entitlement to vote

Each member registered with the Fond in entitled to one vote.

Only those members who:

1) have been registered with the Fund for at least 3 (three) months and

2) are not in default of paying mandatory contributions or other contributions due to the Fund and

3) as such, convened to attend the Assembly, in compliance with art. 13) above are entitled to vote.

Any member prevented from attending the Assembly in person may be represented by another member by power of attorney, which shall be mentioned in the Minutes and be kept by the Fund.

No member shall be designated by more than 5 (five) powers of attorney.

Vote is usually cast openly and secret when concerning individual persons.

Vote concerning company offices shall not be done by raising a hand or acclamation but compulsorily done by filling out, submitting and officially count ballot papers.

In the event of an Assembly held via video/audio conferencing, or via any other communication data transmission – any vote concerning company offices or any other topic requiring secret ballot, shall be cast after holding the Assembly, in compliance with the terms and conditions established and detailed in the notice of Assembly by the Board of Directors, and such as to ensure the secrecy of the ballot.

Article 16 – Presidency of the Assembly

The President of the Board of Directors chairs the assemblies.

If the President is absent or unable to act, the Assembly will be entitled to appoint a President, chosen amongst the Presidents no longer in office or amongst the most senior Directors. Alternatively, the President of FEDERAGENTI – Federazione Nazionale Agenti Raccomandatari Marittimi, Agenti aerei e Mediatori Marittimi (National Shipping Agents, Aircraft Agents and Maritime Mediators Federation) shall hold the office.

With respect to the draft of the minutes, the President shall appoint a secretary, who may also be a person not registered to the Fund.

A notary shall always record extraordinary Assemblies.

Article 17- Elections and applications

The ordinary Assembly of the members has the right to define and approve the number of Directors for the following mandate, at the time of budget approval related to the financial year preceding the one in which the mandate of the whole Board of Directors will expire.

Vote to elect the Directors shall be by roll-call and secret, electing those candidates obtaining more votes amongst those who have notified to the Fund their names and intention to run for nominal election, within the 4th (fourth) day preceding the Assembly for the vote. The a.m. notification must be given either via e-mail, via certified electronic mail, or registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, which shall in any case be received within the a.m. period.

In the event of a tie between two or more candidates, the candidate who was not a member of the previous Board of Directors or – in case both candidates were already or both were not already members of the previous Board – the candidate elected shall be the one with the highest level of seniority of registration with the Fund.


Chapter II – Board of Directors

Article 18 – Composition of the Board of Directors

The Fund is managed by a Board of Directors, formed by from a minimum of 6 (six) to a maximum of 10 (ten) members, elected amongst the members registered with the Fund. The election of the a.m. members shall be held by secret ballot during the Assembly.

The Assembly defines the composition of the Board of Directors at the beginning of its mandate. Members thereof are elected by the Assembly according to the voting mechanism defined in article 17 above.

The ex-officio members of the Fund’s Board of Directors are:

a) the pro-tempore President of FEDERAGENTI – Federazione Nazionale Agenti Raccomandatari Marittimi, Agenti aerei e Mediatori Marittimi (National Shipping Agents, Aircraft Agents and Maritime Mediators Federation), also and in so far necessary in the absence of the requirement of professionalism as per article 23 below;

b) the outgoing President, for the period after the termination of the appointment, pursuant to the following paragraph and in derogation from the provisions of the following article 25.

The term of office of the Board of Directors is fixed at 2 (two) years and, in any case, until the day the Assembly is called to deliberate on the final balance sheet related to the last financial year of their mandate.

The term of office of the members of the Board is renewable for other, subsequent mandates, even non-consecutive.

In case during the fiscal year one or more directors should terminate their mandates, the first ones amongst those non-elected shall replace them.

Co-opted Directors shall remain in office until the natural expiry of the Board’s term, including any extension under the terms of article 25 below.

The office of the members of the Board of Directors is free of charge.

The Assembly may designate and appoint 1 (one) or more Honorary Chairmen, in the person or persons whose commitment to the Fund is laudable.

Only the Assembly can dismiss Honorary Chairmen from office.

Any Honorary Chairman may attend the sessions of the Board of Directors, without voting rights.

The  President of the Fund may call upon one or more of the persons who have demonstrated active service in/in favour of the Fund to be part of the Board of Directors, and the latter shall be entitled to participate in the sessions of the Board without voting rights.

Article 19 – Powers, convocation and meetings of the Board

The Board is endowed with powers for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Fund, with the exception of those of the Assembly, by law or statute.The Board has the right to draw up and approve regulations, to discipline and manage the forms of social security and assistance, representing the purpose of the Fund.

The Board shall meet every time the President deems it necessary, upon request of the simple majority of the Directors and, in any case, at least 3 (three) times per year, of which one for drawing up the year-end final balance sheet  to be submitted to the Assembly and one for drawing up the budget related to the following year.

The convocation shall be sent by the President via registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by fax or email, to be sent at least 15 (fifteen) days before the date of the meeting and must contain the issues on the agenda.

In case of urgency the telegraphic call shall be allowed, or even by fax or email, with at least a 3 (three) day notice.

In the absence of the a.m. formalities, the meeting shall be deemed valid if all members of the Board and effective members of the Board of Auditors are present.

With respect to the Board of Directors’ meetings validity, the effective majority of the Board’s members is necessary.

With respect to the resolutions validity, the favourable vote of the majority of those present is necessary.

Each Director is entitled to one vote and can bear only one power of attorney.

Where votes are evenly divided, the President shall have a casting vote.

The Board is presided by the President or, if absent, by the Deputy Chair.

Minutes of the Board’s meetings are drawn up on a specific book that must be undersigned by the President and the Secretary.

The Board’s meetings may take place also in video or audio conferences.


Article 20 – Duties of the Board

The Board of Directors with simple majority shall :

a) appoint the President of the Board of Directors, who is also the President of the Fund, amongst its members;

b) appoint the Deputy Chair, amongst its members;

c) possibly appoint a Treasurer, on its President’s proposal and amongst its members,;

d) possibly appoint a General Director as referred to in article 26 below;

e) possibly bestow to a Director, upon the President’s proposal, the power of attorney for the relationships with employees;

f) appoint its own representatives in the Commissione Tecnico Mista di Assistenza e di Controllo (Technical Joint Committee of Support and Control), chosen amongst the Directors.


Chapter III – The President

Article 21 – Duties and powers of the President

The President is the signing authority and the legal representative of the Fund, against third parties, and also in court.

The President of the Fund, also in his quality of President of the Board of Directors, shall be in office for a 2 (two)-year period, and may be appointed for a further 2 (two)-year period of immediate continuation.

The President shall:

a) convene and chair the meetings of the Assembly and of the Board of Directors;

b) adopt, in case of particular urgency, measures falling within the Board of Directors’ competences;

c) issue provisions for the execution and implementation of other regulations of the Fund’s bodies;

d) manage the Fund’s earnings as per the article 8 above, based on the maximum criteria set out by the Board of Directors;

e) possibly call upon to join the Fund’s Board of Directors the subjects as per the last paragraph of article 18 above;

f) fulfil all the functions entrusted to him by this statute and/or empowered by other bodies of the Fund.

The President is the signing authority and  legal representative of the Fund.

The President may delegate proxies or power of attorneys for individual legal acts or for categories of acts.


Chapter IV – Auditors

Article 22 – Composition and duties of the Board of Auditors

The Board of Auditors consists of 5 (five) members: 3 (three) are effective and 2 (two) are substitutes.

The Board of Auditors appoints a President amongst its members.

Auditors shall be selected even amongst people who are not members of the Fund and appointed by the Assembly. They are in office for 2 (two) years and their term of office is renewable for other, subsequent mandates, even non-consecutive.

Auditors shall supervise the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Fund and report to the Assembly in writing.

They are entitled to participate in the sessions of the Board of Directors at the President’s invitation, or whenever the agenda includes topics within their competences.

In case of withdrawal of an effective Auditor for any reason during their mandate, the former shall be replaced by the substitute member receiving the highest number of votes.


Chapter V– Common rules to the bodies of the Fund

Article 23 – Professionalism criterion

The criterion of professionalism shall be considered as necessary condition to the appointment as a member of the Fund’s bodies, considering the competences typical of a shipping agent and such profession. This criterion is a necessary condition also to perform and execute the mandate and applies to all members and associates.

Article 24 – Conditions of ineligibility

Notwithstanding the above as regards the criterion of professionalism, the conditions of ineligibility are the following ones – should these conditions arise during the mandate they will result in the revocation of the mandate as member of the Fund’s bodies – :

a) being charged with final sentences, or having negotiated the penalty for crimes committed without criminal intents, punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least 2 (two) years;

b) having undergone measures of prevention pursuant to law No. 159 of September 6th 2011 and subsequent amendments and addenda;

c) incurring – and therefore the existence of – situations and conditions provided for by article 2382 of the Italian Civil Code as causes of ineligibility or revocation of the position of joint – stock company director;

d) repeated late payment of mandatory contributions and/or other contributions in favour of the Fund as per article 6 above.

In any case without prejudice to, with respect to the paragraphs a) and b) above, the effects of rehabilitation.

Article 25 – Extension of mandates

The Assembly is entitled to extend the duration of the mandate of any member of the Board of Directors, the President of the Fund, as well as of any member of the Board of Auditors, as per articles 18 and 22 above, for an additional maximum of 1 (one) year.

Without prejudice to the possibility of a renewal of mandates, as provided for by the a.m. articles 18 and 22.


Chapter VI – Organisational structure and functioning of the Fund

Article 26 – General Director

At the head of the offices and of the staff of the Fund a General Director may be appointed, with the following powers and functions:

a) coordination of the functioning of the Fund’s offices;

b) supervision of all the staff, allocation of duties and the staff into offices and exercise of disciplinary authority;

c) performance of tasks and undertaking of responsibilities laid down for the employer by existing health and safety legislation at the workplace;

d) signing of internal and external acts, arranged by the Fund’s offices, if not otherwise provided for by the statute and/or the regulation of the Fund;

e) assistance and help to the President of the Fund in discharging his/her functions:

f) fulfilment of each other function constantly or from time to time assigned to him by the Board of Directors or the President of the Fund;

g) careful preparation of the budget and the final balance sheet and their follow up, to be presented and submitted to the Fund’s bodies.

The General Director attends, with advisory functions, the sessions of the Assembly and of the Board of Directors of the Fund.

The General Director shall be hired under a fixed-term or permanent contract, according to the conditions and with the compensation set out by the Board of Directors.

Article 27 – Staff of the Fund

The President of the Fund, or/and the General Director on his/her behalf, shall carry out the recruitment and the possible redundancy of the Fund’s staff, as well as establish possible collaborations.

The hiring of employees, the establishment and development of employment relationships, as well as the establishment and development of possible collaborations, shall always be arranged and implemented in full compliance with the applicable legislation, law and/or collective agreements.

The organization and the number of employees, as well as any collaborator, shall be however sufficient for the proper functioning of the Fund’s offices, in order to pursue and achieve its goals and fulfil members’ needs.

Article 28 – Committees

The Board of Directors may appoint one or more Committees amongst its members, or even if deemed necessary, with co-working participants and experts external to the Fund, to study and examine particular and specific technical and/or accounting issues, however pertinent to the management, the functioning and the purposes of the Fund.


Chapter V – Final provisions

Article 29 – Enforcement

This statute enters into force on May 20th, 2016

Article 30- Reference to applicable laws

For any matters not covered herein and not regulated by this statute and/or by the regulations issued by the Fund, the Italian Civil Code and all the laws relevant and applicable to the Fund shall apply